This worksheet can be completed as an engagement activity before and after watching We The Young People: Moments of Truth, airing November 1st, 8:00pm EDT.
8 million new Gen Z voters will be eligible to vote in a couple of weeks for the 2022 U.S. midterms*. How will they impact the outcome?
SRL teen reporters Tiffany Rodriguez of Philadelphia & Berto Suarez of Rockville, Maryland, will host our special and present stories from young people about:
*Data from CIRCLE at Tufts University.
Check out the promo video here and be sure to tune in on November 1st! RSVP here.
Media refers to all electronic or digital means and print or artistic visuals used to transmit messages.
All forms of media created with the purpose of informing the public and delivering news through specific mediums such as radio and broadcast stations, digital news organizations and others.
45 minutes