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Project | 8 weeks

Power In Numbers



What channels of civic engagement, artistic/cultural expression, or community organizing are your peers diving into right now?

For this project, “Power in Numbers: Youth Movements Across America”, you will be challenged to tell a story on
an issue in your community that is inspiring young people to start or participate in a movement.

Movements are powerful because they can:

  • Help people with similar experiences or interests find and connect to each other
  • Spark conversation on tough topics
  • Persuade people to change their behavior
  • Shift cultural norms or expectations
  • Convince leaders of institutions to change laws or policy
  • Mobilize resources to start a business, produce art, etc.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how to report using tenets of SOLUTIONS JOURNALISM
  • Understand how to record VIRTUAL and/or IN-PERSON INTERVIEWS (following all public health guidance)
  • Understand how to capture B-ROLL, solicit it from subjects, and/or get it from other sources
  • Understand how to TRANSCRIBE recorded footage
  • Critically think about interview content and identify NEWSWORTHY soundbites
  • Understand how to EDIT together a series of SOUNDBITES and B-ROLL sequences to form a cohesive narrative



Writing - Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Speaking and Listening - Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Describe the diversity and variety of functions within the Journalism & Broadcasting Career Pathway.

Demonstrate technical support related to media production (e.g., broadcast, video, web, mobile).

Knowledge Constructor

Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. (ISTE)

Demonstrate writing processes used in journalism and broadcasting media.

Demonstrate the use of basic tools and equipment used in audio, video and film production.

Analyze the legal and ethical responsibilities required in the arts, audio/visual technology and communications workplace.

Creative Communicator

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. (ISTE)

Plan and deliver a media production (e.g., broadcast, video, web, mobile).

Demonstrate technical support skills for audio, video and film productions.

Reading - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas





Online Worksheet


Camera or Mobile Phone



Light Kit

Estimated Time

8 weeks