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Start a Broadcast Program


Maybe you have a journalism and/or broadcast program at your school, or maybe you’re starting from scratch. StoryMaker has lessons to help your students produce stories that are relevant to your community and help raise awareness of important issues, challenges and success stories. Begin with Broadcast News, What is Newsworthy, Find Your Story and Journalism Ethics Lessons, then find relevant challenges or story topics and use the production tutorials. Teachers around the country who have built strong, successful programs, are available in the Educator Director to provide support, advice and guidance. You can also schedule office hours through your Educator Dashboard once you’ve signed in.


Lesson Plans

Use these teaching tools and activities to learn about the roles in the newsroom and different types of news videos, help students understand how to look for news and judge whether a story idea will capture and maintain your audience’s interest, and find out the reporter’s responsibility to their subjects, facts and fairness.

  • Broadcast News - Learn about the roles in the newsroom and different types of news videos
  • What is Newsworthy? - Help students understand how to look for news and judge whether a story idea will capture and maintain your audience’s interest
  • Find Your Story - Students often say that nothing is happening and it’s hard to find a story to report. Use this lesson to guide them to a story that they will be able to complete and that they will be proud of
  • Journalism Ethics - What are the rules of journalism? Find out the reporter’s responsibility to their subjects, facts and fairness
  • QUICK GUIDE to Social Media - Create a school journalism twitter or instagram feed that will inform and engage the school community

Broadcast Teacher Mentors

Educator Directory - Find a teacher who lists broadcast as one of their interests. Reach out via the connect button to hear how they did it.

Journalism Ethics

Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity. Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Source: Society of Professional Journalist Code of Ethics

News Media

All forms of media created with the purpose of informing the public and delivering news through specific mediums such as radio and broadcast stations, digital news organizations and others.

Broadcast News

Non-fiction video or audio communication about topics of public interest disseminated through broadcast or digital methods including tv, radio, streaming, and social media.



Broadcast News

Getting Started Goals







White board, chalkboard or other visual board


Mobile Phone




Video Conference Software. IE: Zoom or Google Meet

Padlet, Jamboard or other app for group collaboration

Estimated Time
